Player Transactions All of the player transations in Head Office are handled within this single window. In some cases you will select a player within a teams list and then click on the appropreiate button to initiate an action. i.e. to waive, reserve, injure, activate, trade and salary and contract information. In order to perform some of these functions Head Office uses an MLB that is supplied from Quick Stats. It is advisable to back-up your League and Baseball.HO Files. I would suggest that you back up the files in another folder before you do any transaction as this will allow you an easy recovery of data in the event of transaction errors. Transaction Logistics Players should be Traded, Waived, Activated, placed on the Injury Reserved or Reserved List only after the stats have been updated but before a report is printed. This will allow all team owners one week’s time to scrutinise all trades and to be notified that a player is a available from the Waiver wire. Both Waived to Free Agent (a menu item) and Trade to Inactive (another menu item) actions should be done after the League Report is printed and before the next time the stat file is updated. Head Office MLB File This is Head Office's master list of all the available major league baseball players. It is a plain TEXT file (so it may be edited although you are cautioned against doing so unless you have a thorough understanding of the operation of Head Office). Basically the file is the players names, their ID# (unique for each player) and the name of the team that the player is on. The information is listed alphabetically by player last name. Each of the entires in the file is exactly spaced so that each line and field item match up (use the Monaco font to verify this). If any editing is done to this file and the format is changed or altered, it can render the file useless. Hence the reason I do not advise editing it. If you must edit the MLB file, I suggest that you use a mono-spaced font (Monaco) and print out the whole file. If you do plan on making any changes, make a backup of the MLB file first, edit it to copy, test your changes and if you have made an error, at least you have the original to fall back on. When saving the file from your word processor, use the SAVE AS and make sure the type is TEXT. Note : You can receive an up-to-date (revised weekly) MLB file from Quick Stats when you sign up for their raw stats. Transaction Window Rotisserie or Pool To add players to your teams, Click on the Player Transact button on the top right corner of the navigator window.   The first teams name that was entered using ADD TEAM OWNERS will appear in the popup menu. To work with any other TEAM on your league, click on the popup menu to make your team selection. Teams will appear in entry order not in a sorted order. Adding Players Click on the DFT button. The following screen will appear :   Head Office is asking for the player’s ID number. Remember each of the players in the real world has a unique ID number and the MLB file is the master list of these. After you enter the ID number, you will be asked through a series of dialog boxes, to locate and open the MLB file. Once you have located the MLB file, Head Office knows where it is and will not ask you for it again in this session. You will then asked to fill in information regarding your player’s salary and contract. Please note that this information is not required to run a league. If your league does not keep track of this information, just click on the OK button at the bottom. If you do use this information, input the salary and tab over to the contract button. Enter the length of the contract and click on the OK button. This information will then be printed on your weekly report. Draft Button Logic This DFT button allows you to draft your teams before the first weeks stats are ready . If you already have updated the stats in Head Office, the DFT button allows you to draft players so that you will receive all the stats they have accrued to date. Remember the DFT button allows you to draft players before the season starts or allows you to draft a player during the season and allow all his stats to be included in the team totals. New Button Logic The NEW button will only work once stats are updated. It too will allow you to draft a player to your team but you will not get all the players stats. The NEW player will accrue stats for you from this stat time forward. All previously accrued stats will subtracted from his YTD ( year to date) stats that will be accrued in the future. This allows Head Office to only keep track of stats while the player is actually on your team. In this way, you will be able to pick up players from the free agent list. Once one team’s players have been picked, click on the team name at the bottom of the window and move your mouse down to the next team. You may now draft players for the next team. Salary & Contract - Fantasy According to the rules and regulations of your Fantasy Baseball league, information on player Salary & Contract, if required, may be entered when the players are drafted. Players Salary and Contract information may also be edited at any time. To edit, go to the Player Transactions window. Once you are in player transactions, select the desired team and player and click on the Sal & Con options button.   Activating Players - Fantasy Players are activated when you want to remove a player from the Injured Reserved or Reserved list. This allows players to resume accumulating stats for your team. From the Player Transactions window, click on the popup menu that lists Fantasy team names. Select the desired team and highlight the player you wish to activate and the transaction buttons will become active. Click the Activate button. Any players currently on the Injured Reserved or Reserved will have an “I” or “R” in the "ST" or status column. Only these players can be activated. A player may be placed on the Injured Reserved or Reserved list and Activated as many times as you like. Activating Players - Pool Players are activated when you want to remove a player from the Reserved List. This allows players to resume accumulating stats for your team. From the Player Transactions window, find the desired team by either use the TAB key to move through the teams or click on the team button at the bottom of the transaction window and type in the name of the team desired. Highlight the player you wish to activate and the transaction buttons will become active. Click the Activate button. Any players on the Reserved will have an “R” in the "ST" or Status column. Only these players can be activated. A player may be placed on the Reserved list and Activated as many times as you like. Waive a Player - Fantasy Click on the popup menu that lists Fantasy team names. Select the desired team and highlight the player you wish to waive and click on the Waive button. The selected player now will have a “W” in front of his name (to show that he has been waived) and will be unable to accrue any more stats for your team totals. He will, however, be allowed to keep the stats he has already accrued. Reserved & Injury Reserved - Fantasy Players may be placed on Reserved or Injured Reserved. This allows a player to still be on the team roster but ineligible to accrue stats towards his team totals. Only stats already accrued will count for team totals. While a player is on the Reserved or Injured Reserved list, he is not eligible to be active on any other team.   From Player Transactions click on the popup menu that lists Fantasy team names. Select the desired team and highlight the player you wish to put on the Reserve or Injured Reserve list and click on the Reserved or Injured button. Once this is done, players on the Injured list will have an “I” preceding their name and players on the Reserved list will have an “R” in front of their name on the reports, but will have an "I" or "R" displayed with their name in the "ST" or Status column. Trading Players - Fantasy Players may be traded from team to team. To make a player trade, use the Player Transact button in the Navigator window and click on the player you want to trade :   Click on the Trade Button. This will bring up a dialog like this :   Click on the popup menu item and select the team you want to trade this player TO. Click OK and the player will now be placed on the newly selected team’s roster. Remember, there is no active player acquisition to be made, only player trades between teams. If your team the DISBANDERS is involved in a trade with the BANDITS, you trade away a player on your team to the BANDITS. The BANDITS then trade away a player on their team to you (the DISBANDERS). When trades are done this way, players will only accrue stats while active on your team. The players traded away will now have a “T” placed in front of their name to show that they were traded away. This will show up on the team report and in the player transaction list window to indicate a trade has taken place. Trading Players - Pool Select the Team you want to trade from by either clicking on the TEAM button at the bottom of the window and typing in the name of the team desired or by pressing the TAB key to rotate through all the teams in the league.   Select the player you want to trade. The transaction buttons will now become active. To implement a player trade on a Baseball Pool team, click on the Reserved button. This is done because the same player may appear on the team roster of more than one team. When you use the Reserve button you will keep the stats already accrued. Repeat this process until all trades have been made. To acquire a new player from the Player Transactions window, click New. This will allow you to pick up a player without adding any stats previously accrued to your team total. If you wish to acquire a player and include his prior stats, click DFT. Waive Players to Free Agent Traded Players to Inactive These menu options are only needed when you are running a fantasy league. Team reports notify owners which players have been Traded, Waived, Injured and Injured Reserved. This is shown by the inclusion of the various letters preceding player names. (T = Traded, W = Waived, I = Injured and R = Reserved.) In order for Waived players to be drafted onto another team, they must first be placed on the Free Agent List. Use the Team menu on the menu bar and select Waived to Free Agent. This action will now place all waived players on the Free Agent List, available to be drafted by other teams   For purposes of “house-keeping”, you may want to remove the “T” designation from all traded players. To do this, again use the Team menu and select Trade to Inactive. This action will replace the “T” designation with an “x”. This way, only current trades will be shown. Note : Both Waived to Free Agent and Trade to Inactive actions should be done after the League Report is printed and before the next update.